Chapter Six: Student Policies
Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation is available on the Title IX page, as well as in the Title IX Policy Process Document
Copyright Policy
Disability Grievance Procedure
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA Notice for Directory Information
Guests/Children in the Classroom
Identification Cards
Non-Discrimination Statement
Other Complaint Resources
Parental/Legal Guardian Notification of Violations
Parking Policy
Policy on Alcohol Use
Policy on Dining Hall and Meal Cards
Policy on Excused Absences
Policy on Leaves of Absence
Policy on Service and Assistance Animals
Policy on Tobacco Use
Posting of Signs, Posters, or Flyers on Campus
Prohibition of Guns and Other Weapons
Reporting and Resolution of Complaints
Responsible Action and Peer Intervention/Amnesty
Student Bloodborne Pathogen Policy
Student Grievance Procedure
Timely Warning Policy
University of Bridgeport is pleased to provide students access to its computing and information facilities, for the pursuit of supporting students’ educational goals. Access to the University’s computing facilities and networks is granted subject to Local, State, Federal laws and University Student Conduct Code. These guidelines are designed to promote legal, ethical, and academic honesty, and encourage restraint in the consumption of shared resources. Adherence to these guidelines demonstrates respect for the laws of intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and for an individual’s rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation, harassment, and unwarranted annoyance.
University of Bridgeport expects students to exercise responsible, ethical behavior according to these guidelines when using its computing facilities. Access to the University Computer resources is granted as long as these guidelines are followed. By connecting and/or logging on to the University computers and networks, the user agrees to the terms and conditions of these Acceptable Use Guidelines as outlined here.
Email accounts
All students are required to have a email account. UB email accounts are free and are the official means of communication for the University community. To sign-up for your account, go to, click on “new account,” and follow the simple directions. Student accounts will be activated within 24 hours of registration.
Commercial use of University resources
The account is intended for the pursuit of students’ educational goals. Students may not use University of Bridgeport’s computer resources, including printing, to solicit sales, conduct business or advertise or sell a service. This also applies to the use of any University resources through their personal computer.
Copyright laws
Students may not copy or attempt to modify any University-owned software or software licensed to the University, except as permitted by the University. Any receipt, transmission, use or destruction of software or data, including peer-to-peer content, to include but not limited to music and video, must observe U.S. copyright laws, and license restrictions. Altering or destroying any document or file of which they are not the owner is a violation of these guidelines. The University reserves the right to disclose the identity of any student using a computer or to whom a computer is registered in connection with which the University receives in good faith, allegations of copyright infringement having occurred on the computer systems maintained or used by the University.
The University is not responsible for any loss of data or damage to the hardware or software on their personal systems at home or in the Residence Halls. University of Bridgeport believes in the user’s rights to privacy; however, when there is reasonable evident of wrongdoing, the University reserves the right to examine and impound any files, information, or computer systems attached to its networks, including email or instant messages. The University computing system and the data maintained on its network, including any University-owned or-leased work stations, belong to the University and there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy of users, including employees, in the University’s property. The University reserves the right to periodically monitor or copy any data or activities on its computing system without any showing of cause are required.
Conduct which involves the use of the University resources in an inappropriate manner or which violates any person’s rights may result in revocation of computing usage privileges and is subject to University disciplinary action as outlined in the University’s Policies and Student Conduct Code. Such conduct may also be subject to criminal or civil legal action.
Note: All Rules and Regulations are subject to change without prior notice. University of Bridgeport reserves the right to make any changes as deemed necessary.
Misuse of the network systems
Connecting a personal computer or device to the University-owned network and computers must be authorized by University of Bridgeport’s Information Technology Department. The University seeks to protect the civil, personal, and property rights of those who use its computing resources as well as those student or employment records that are maintained on its computing systems. Any unlawful attempt to access these resources is a serious offense. Students may not engage in activities that damage or disrupt hardware, software, or communications, such as virus or worm creation and propagation, or overloading the network with excessive data or requests for service.
Students may not monopolize, misuse or waste the system resources by, for example, requesting multiple copies from printers or by playing games in the labs. Students may not forge or otherwise misrepresent another’s identity through any form of communication, or use the University computer systems to acquire the identification data of others by false pretense.
Also, students may not attempt to circumvent protection mechanisms or exercise security procedures in any computer or network component.
Students may not transmit or make accessible offensive, annoying, or harassing material, such as broadcasting unsolicited messages or sending unwanted mail.
Students may not intentionally access or damage systems or information that are not theirs, such as University records, or use any system for illegal activities.
Students may not use information bases, whether open or protected, to derive or generate mailing lists, either for their personal use or for anyone else.
Password and accounts
Students are responsible for account usage. Protect the password and do not tell it or show it to anyone, including family members, friends or acquaintances. Properly log out of the system when finished. Do not use another person’s account regardless of how access to the account is obtained.
In the event the need arises to quickly contact the entire University community, the use of email accounts is one of the most efficient avenues the University has to disperse urgent, as well as routine, information throughout the community. Every institution of higher education or other large or complex United States organization has, in recent years, recognized that prudent risk management must address the existence of potential health emergencies, such as infectious diseases, like Swine Flu, Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or other community-wide safety concerns, mandating a mechanism be adopted that permits the rapid and wide spread dissemination of bulletins across the entire campus. Accordingly, the University will assign an email account designation to each enrolled student, which must be maintained throughout the term of the student’s enrollment.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to comply with federal copyright laws (including the U.S. Copyright Act and related laws), as briefly summarized below and available at the official website of the United States Copyright Office at United States copyright law generally grants the owner of copyrighted work the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their copyrighted work to others. Therefore, an individual violates federal copyright law when they infringe any of the exclusive rights granted to a copyright owner, including without limitation, unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and or other violation of any of the exclusive rights granted pursuant to Sections 106 through 122 of the Copyright Act (Title 17, Chapter 5). Copyright law protects many types of work in an academic setting, including without limitation: literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, intellectual, and a variety of other works. Students should be particularly careful about complying with copyright law in the context of peer-to-peer file sharing, including without limitation, unauthorized downloading or distribution of copyrighted material over the campus computer network (i.e., downloading, sharing, or copying music or movies.)
As described in Sections 504 through 506 of the U.S. Copyright Act, civil penalties for violation may range from $750 to $30,000 per work infringed. “Willful” infringement may amount to $150,000 per work infringed, in addition to costs and attorneys’ fees. Criminal liability may result in imprisonment for up to five (5) years and $250,000 per offense. In addition, the University’s Code of Community Standards (Chapter Five, Code of Community Standards No. 25) prohibits students from using the University’s computer or other systems to violate copyright or other laws, which, if violated, may result in referral to the University’s Academic Dishonesty Procedure.
For information regarding registering a work with the U.S. Copyright Office, please see the official website of the U.S. Copyright Office as listed above.
UB’s copyright policies pertaining to faculty and institutional research are fully set forth in the University’s Intellectual Property Policy.
It is the policy of University of Bridgeport to not discriminate on the basis of disability. The University has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended, and/or Connecticut state disability laws.
Any person who believes they have not been properly accommodated due to the action or inaction of any member of the University may file a grievance under this procedure. It is against the law for the University to retaliate against anyone who files a grievance or cooperates in the investigation of a grievance.
Procedure Details
Prior to submitting an accessibility grievance, please attempt the following methods of resolution:
- Speak directly with the faculty or staff member allegedly at issue. Remind them of your accommodations and review each party’s expectations. Frequently, issues are due to misunderstandings or a lack of communication.
- Seek assistance from the Office of Student Accessibility Services, who is available to help mediate situations related to accommodations within campus settings, including housing or classrooms, and action/inaction by faculty or staff.
- If neither of these methods works, you may then proceed to file an accessibility grievance with the University’s appointed ADA/504 Coordinator.
These complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged incident, but no later than 90 days after the last incident. The University may waive the 90-day period upon a showing of good cause or where the law requires. These matters are generally resolved within 30 days unless there is reasonable cause for a delay. The grievance process is intended to address disputes concerning the following:
- Disagreements regarding a requested service, accommodation, or modification of a university practice or requirement
- Inaccessibility of a program or activity
- Violation of privacy in the context of disability
Harassment or discrimination on the basis of disability or perceived disability will be addressed through the Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy. The University maintains the right to merge allegations under this procedure into the procedure found in the Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy when an allegation is based on discrimination.
Accessibility Grievance Procedure:
- Complainant submits a written or verbal complaint to the ADA/504 Coordinator (Alden Minick, Associate Director of Title IX, and Equity Compliance at ) within 90 days of the last incident.
- The ADA/504 Coordinator or their designee reviews the complaint, speaks with the Complainant and the alleged Respondent(s), reviews the accommodations documentation, and attempts to mediate the issue.
- If the mediation does not work, within a reasonable amount of time, the procedure will move forward to an investigation. The ADA/504 Coordinator or their designee will investigate the matter and compile an investigation report, including a determination, and will distribute it to the involved parties.
- The report will include:
- Identification of the allegations and parties
- Review of relevant documentation and evidence
- Findings of fact supporting a determination regarding the alleged violation
- A statement of, and rationale for, a determination based on the preponderance of the evidence regarding the alleged violation
- A statement of, and rationale for, whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University’s education program or activity will be implemented by the University
Appeal process:
Following the investigation, if a party is dissatisfied with the results, they may submit a written appeal for one or more of the following reasons:
- To determine whether the grievance process was conducted fairly in light of the charges and information presented, and in conformity with prescribed procedures. The Complainant is given a reasonable opportunity to present information that their rights were violated, and the Respondent is given a reasonable opportunity to prepare a response to those allegations. Deviations from designated procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant prejudice results.
- To consider new evidence, sufficient to change the outcome of the determination, that was not available to the person appealing prior to the determination.
- To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Policy under which the Respondent was found to have committed.
This appeal must be submitted within 10 business days and sent to Jean White, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Community Culture, or her designee, and Craig Lennon, Dean of Students, or his designee. Appellate officers will review the appeal and determine if there is a basis for the appeal. If there is not, they will dismiss the appeal and let the appealing party know in writing within 5 days of the receipt of an appeal.
If there is a basis for the appeal, the appellate officers will notify both parties that an appeal has been submitted and on what basis it was submitted. The appellate officers will then review the investigation report and determination, along with the written appeal. Should they have any questions for the parties, they may ask them.
The appellate officers will make a determination based on the preponderance of the evidence on whether to uphold the findings or reverse them. Should they reverse the findings, the appellate officers may make appropriate changes to the sanctions or remedies put in place, including eliminating them if necessary.
The parties will be notified of this determination within 7 business days of the notification of appeal to the parties. The determination will be shared in writing and constitutes final University action.
Concerns about the University’s policy and procedures pertaining to ADA/504 Rights may be addressed to:
The Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor, Five Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109-3921
The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
450 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, CT 06103-1835
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:
- Inspect and review the educational records within 45 days of receipt of the request for access. The student should submit to the Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where records may be inspected. If the Registrar does not maintain the records requested, the Registrar will advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
- Request the University to amend educational record that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. The student should write to the Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- Consent to disclosure of their educational record, including personally identifiable information contained therein.
However, consent is not required in several situations under FERPA, including without limitation:
- Disclosure of directory information, as defined below.
- Disclosure to another educational institution where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or whether the student is already enrolled, so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
- Disclosure to the parents of a student who is considered their “dependent” for federal tax purposes.
- Disclosure to parents of a student who is under the age of 21 at the time of the disclosure regarding the student’s violation of the University’s drug and alcohol rules, as stated in Chapter Five, Code of Community Standards and Chapter Six, Policy on Alcohol Use and Policy on Drug Use.
- Disclosure of the final results (name, nature of violation, sanctions imposed) of a disciplinary proceeding in which the University has determined that the student committed an act of violence or non-forcible sex offense, as stated in Chapter Five, Code of Community Standards and Chapter Six, Title IX/Non-Discrimination Statement.
- Disclosure made in connection with a health or safety emergency.
- Disclosure regarding financial aid (eligibility, amount, conditions, and/or enforcement) that a student applied for or received.
- Disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.
A school official is a: (1) person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position, including health or medical staff; (2) person elected to the Board of Trustees; (3) person or entity employed by or under contract to the University to perform a special task, such as security, building and grounds, information technology, food service, an attorney, auditor, collection agency or other outside vendor; or (4) student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or who is assisting another school official in performing their tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is: (1) performing a task that is specified in their position description or contract agreement, or is customarily performed by such person at the University; (2) performing a task related to a student’s education; (3) performing a task related to the discipline of a student; (4) providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid; or (5) maintaining the safety and security of the campus.
When possible, students will be informed that the University will be notifying their parents in advance. Parental notice is not subject to an appeal.
Students may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office US Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20202-4605
FERPA requires that University of Bridgeport, except in certain circumstances enumerated above, to obtain a student’s written consent prior to disclosing personally identifiable information from their educational records. However, the University may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent. Examples of disclosure include, without limitation:
- News releases;
- Honor roll or other recognition lists;
- Graduation programs;
- Sports activities sheets, such as weight and height of team members;
- Images produced by exterior and interior security cameras; and
- Cross-referenced courses (i.e. courses containing the same content offered by different departments or multiple sections of the same course taught within one department).
Directory information is defined as information generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. Directory information may also be disclosed to outside organizations, including but are not limited to companies that manufacture class rings.
If a student does not wish the University to disclose directory information without prior written consent, the student must notify the University by the tenth day of class in a semester. To do so, the student must contact the Registrar’s Office, located on the Garden Level of Wahlstrom Library, and fill out the appropriate paperwork. If a student makes such a request, the University has the option for either: (1) withhold all information specified by the student, (2) omit the student’s name from any published list involving such information, or (3) seek the student’s written permission to release the information.
University of Bridgeport has designated the following information as directory information:
- Student’s name
- Address (local and permanent)
- Electronic mail address
- Telephone listing
- Photograph
- Date and place of birth
- Enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time)
- Academic year/grade level
- Dates of attendance and/or graduation
- Major field of study or academic specialty
- Most recent educational agency or institution attended
- Participation in sports and other officially recognized activities (including position, role, and/or function)
- Honors and awards received (academic, athletic, community, etc.)
- Height and weight of members of athletic teams
Children should never be left unsupervised in the common areas of the University.
Due to disruption and possible risk of harm, students cannot bring guests (including children) to classrooms or labs when the student is attending class. Exceptions should only be made in response to special circumstances for short periods of time and must be approved in advance by the instructor of the course.
Possession of a valid identification card is required of all members of the University community. All students must obtain a photo ID card before the start of the semester from Campus Security. This ID card is valid for as long as the student remains registered.
The University reserves the right to require a valid UB identification at any time and at any campus location. Access to University functions and facilities may be denied to any student who cannot or will not produce a valid ID. Students should carry their ID card at all times and must be prepared to present and surrender it upon request to any University administrator, campus security officer or dining hall staff member. Failure to do so or uncooperative responses may result in disciplinary action, a $50 fine, and/or suspension from the residence halls.
Students who attempt to misrepresent their University status, lend their ID to others for the purpose of misrepresentation, or attempt to alter or deface their ID card are subject to University and possible civil action on the charge of fraud.
In case of loss a replacement ID card may be obtained from Campus Security. A fee will be charged for lost IDs.
Confiscated IDs will only be returned following disposition of an incident. In most cases, confiscated IDs will be forwarded to the Dean of Students for investigation and follow up.
University of Bridgeport is committed to preventing or eliminating all forms of discrimination in its education programs or activities in accordance with its commitment to all federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in institutes of higher learning. The University provides equal opportunities to all students, or applicants for admission on the basis of; physical or mental disability (including perceived disability), predisposing genetic characteristics, hearing status, pregnancy, race, religion, color, sex, political affiliation, source of income, place of business, residence, creed, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, age, marital status, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran), domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law, the Office of Civil Rights, the State of Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, or other human rights agencies.
All claims of alleged discrimination should be sent to , the Director of Civil Rights Compliance, ADA / 504 Coordinator.
University of Bridgeport
126 Park Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Goodwin University
One Riverside Drive
East Hartford, CT 06118
Students may also contact the following resources regarding concerns or complaints: (1) the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) at 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Suite 100 Burlington, MA 01803, (855) 886-3272: (2) the Connecticut Office of Higher Education at 61 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT 06105, (800) 842-0229; (3) the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 8th Floor, Five Post Office Square, Boston MA 02109-3921, (617) 289- 0111 or by email: and (4) for distance learners, see the resources listed at:
College has a higher privacy standard for educational records than at the secondary school level.
The University recognizes students’ interests and rights in privacy. FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, is a Federal Law that regulates disclosure of, and access to, educational records of students.
The University reserves the right to notify (without prior consent of the student) parents or legal guardians of students under the age of 21 that the student has been found responsible for an alcohol or drug violation. The purpose of University of Bridgeport’s parental/legal guardian notification policy is to promote the holistic development of students and to foster a safe educational environment where alcohol is consumed legally and responsibly, if at all, and where illegal drug usage or possession is not tolerated, nor legal drugs abused. The University believes that parents and legal guardians can assist the University in carrying out this aspect of educational and developmental mission.
Parental/Legal Guardian Notification of Alcohol or Drug Violations
A parent/legal guardian (as provided by the student to the University Registrar and/or respective Residence Hall director) may be notified if the University administration has knowledge of any of the items listed below (an “incident”) as a first violation associated with alcohol or drug abuse:
- First violation:
- The student demonstrates a reckless disregard for their personal safety or the safety of others while under the influence of alcohol; student requires transport to a hospital to receive medical attention;
- The student causes significant property damage;
- The student operates a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- The violation involves another serious incident;
- The student is arrested or taken into custody by law enforcement officers while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or abusive use of legal drugs, or is charged with violating a federal, state, or local law related to the consumption, possession, sale, dispensation, and/or use of or distribution of alcohol, illegal drugs or the abusive use of legal drugs;
- The student’s violation results in a temporary or permanent separation from the Residence Halls and/or a temporary or permanent separation from the University (e.g. suspension, dismissal or expulsion).
Second and subsequent violation(s):
The University may notify a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of all second and subsequent incidents. For purposes of determining what constitutes a second or subsequent incident, multiple and related violations during a single incident will be treated as one violation.
- First violation:
Guidelines and Principles for Parental/Legal Guardian Notification
Prior to parent or legal guardian notification, the University will attempt to consult with the student and, consistent with promotion of personal accountability, encourage the student to advise their parent or legal guardian. The University may decide not to notify the student’s parent or legal guardian, particularly where the University determines that notifying a student’s parent or legal guardian might be harmful to the student or not in the best interests of the student or University.
The University will keep a record of the parental/legal guardian notification in the student’s discipline file and provide the student with a copy, upon request.
The University provides parking lots for the convenience of its students, visitors, and employees. All vehicles parking on campus property and/or parking lots are subject to policies and procedures listed below.
Street parking is also available. Street parking is subject to City of Bridgeport rules and regulations.
Vehicle registration/parking permit
Each student and employee vehicle parking on or near campus (including without limitation in campus lots or on city streets running near or through campus) must be registered with Campus Security. The owner/operator must provide all required vehicular information, as well their contact information (the “Information”). The owner/ operator is responsible for updating the Information. All vehicles must be legally registered and properly insured. Any vehicle which is not legally registered and properly insured (e.g. “fake” license plates) will be towed without notice. Campus Security will provide each registered vehicle with a sticker which must be prominently displayed on the vehicle.
Visitors may park their vehicles in campus lots for up to 12 hours. Any visitors parking in campus lots for longer than 12 hours must register with Campus Security. Visitors are subject to all parking policies and procedures, as listed above and below.
Campus Security, in accordance with Connecticut law, authorizes towing of unauthorized vehicles trespassing on campus property and/or parking lots. A car is “unauthorized” and “trespassing” when it has been parked in the same spot for 30 days or longer, unless signage/posting designates a shorter permissible period (e.g. signs expressly prohibit overnight parking in the Campus Security lot). Except as outlined herein or otherwise posted, a vehicle may be parked in a designated parking lot for up to 30 days, after which the vehicle will be towed. No notice to the owner/operator is required before towing.
Similarly, Campus Security authorizes towing from campus property and/or parking lots, regardless of the parking duration, in exigent/emergency circumstances and/or when a vehicle presents a safety hazard, obstructs the orderly flow of traffic, or is parked in a restricted area as further described below. Examples include, without limitation: obstructing access to a parking lot, dumpster, fire lane, loading dock, driveway or University/University’s contractor’s equipment; parking a vehicle which creates a safety or environment hazard due to leaky fluids, broken glass, flat tire, or general state of disrepair; leaving a vehicle unsecure, including without limitation flat tires, substantial personal property in plain view, unlocked; or exigent circumstances such as fires, flooding, emergency ingress/egress.
The University prohibits towing to and thereafter parking on University property when a vehicle has been involved in an accident or otherwise damaged. Any such vehicle is subject to the towing policies described above.
Abandoned cars
The University may, in accordance with Connecticut law, contact the Bridgeport Police/Parking Authority to remove any abandoned vehicle parked on city streets within the University campus, campus property, surrounding areas, and/or campus parking lots. The Bridgeport Police/Parking Authority must handle these situations pursuant to the statutory requirements of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-150.
On-campus handicapped parking
The University, in accordance with State law, designates parking spaces for the physically handicapped as close as possible to the appropriate building. In each parking lot, the University designates a certain number of handicapped parking spots in proportion to the total number of spaces provided in that lot. Parking in these spaces requires the appropriate permit(s). Violators will be ticketed for the first three violations, and towed for the fourth or subsequent violation in accordance with Connecticut law.
Restricted parking area
Vehicles are prohibited from parking in restricted areas, including without limitation: fire lanes, dumpster zones, construction areas, loading docks, driveways, sidewalks and/or grass areas. Violators will be ticketed or towed.
Special parking restrictions
The University may, in its absolute discretion and without notice, impose temporary or permanent parking restrictions on campus parking lots, including without limitation special events, severe weather, maintenance, or any removal deemed necessary by local state or federal law enforcement officials, fire officials or utility emergency repair service operations.
Response to towed/abandoned vehicle
If a vehicle is towed/abandoned, the violator should immediately contact Campus Safety for information regarding towing/storage. Campus Security will, to the extent possible, provide the violator with contact information for the towing service/garage. Reclaiming the vehicle is solely the violator’s responsibility, including without limitation: locating the vehicle, paying all towing/storage fees, and signing all necessary paperwork. Any issues must be addressed with the garage/service holding the vehicle. Connecticut law provides a short period for reclaiming a towed vehicle; accordingly, the violator should attempt to do so immediately.
Limitation of liability
The University is not responsible for any damage to vehicles parked on campus property and/or parking lots, including without limitation: theft, vandalism, or property damage. Students park at their own risk.
The University is not responsible for any damage to vehicles removed from campus, including without limitation: towing, storage, or demolition.
Section 30-89(a) of Connecticut statutes states that it is unlawful for a minor under the age of 21 to purchase, or attempt to purchase, or to make a false statement in connection with the attempted purchase, of alcohol.
Section 30-89(b) states that possession of alcohol by a person under the age of 21 on a street, highway, or public place is illegal.
Students are expected to obey all laws and ordinances pertaining to alcohol. Wherever the term “alcoholic beverage” or “alcohol” is used in this policy it refers to any alcoholic beverage, including, but not limited to beer, wine, liquor, and hard seltzer.
The University only permits alcohol-served events, where a third-party vendor is responsible for the serving of alcohol in accordance with applicable law.
- Kegs and keg events are strictly prohibited on all University premises, including all residence hall rooms.
- The presence, possession, or use of common source containers of alcoholic beverages (including, but not limited to, kegs, barrels, beer balls, pony kegs, boxes of wine, other bulk containers requiring a tapping device or spigot, punch bowls, trash cans or other containers used as punch bowls) by individuals or groups is prohibited on the University campus.
- Students under the age of 21 may not use, possess, sell, consume, or be in the presence of alcohol on University property under any circumstances.
- Students 21 years of age and over may use alcohol within reasonable limits in the privacy of residence hall rooms. Students may not consume alcohol in the presence of anyone under 21 years of age. No person, regardless of age, is permitted to consume or possess alcoholic beverages in a substance-free residence hall.
- The consumption of alcohol or possession of an open container of alcohol is prohibited in all common areas of residence halls, including, but not limited to, corridors, stairwells, elevators, bathrooms, lounges, kitchen areas, recreation rooms, basketball courts, and study areas.
- The University prohibits delivery of alcoholic beverages to the campus, except delivery by wholesale distributors to an event for which an approved third-party vendor will be responsible for the serving of alcohol.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public premises such as snack bars, meeting rooms and places of public assembly is only allowed during approved and registered events at which alcohol is permitted.
- The consumption of alcohol is allowed in academic buildings only at approved and registered events in designated lounge areas. Receptions held in academic building lounges are generally sponsored by, and are the responsibility of, departments housed within the building. Alcohol is not permitted in classrooms.
- Personal possession of alcoholic beverages, even if not intended for personal use, is not allowed in non-residential facilities except as provided for in this policy.
- The use of beverages in containers other than glass is strongly encouraged to prevent breakage and personal injury.
- All students assume full responsibility for alcohol served and/or consumed in their residence hall rooms.
Alcohol effects
Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low amounts significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate amounts of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse. Moderate to high amounts of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. Very high amounts of alcohol, or lower amounts of alcohol used in combination with other depressants, cause respiratory depression and death.
Each person’s metabolism reacts uniquely to drugs, including alcohol. A quantity which is within tolerance for one person may have disastrous consequences for another person. The rate at which alcohol is consumed also impacts significantly the body’s reactions to the drug. Combining alcohol with any other legal or illegal drug may result in serious, perhaps fatal, consequences. Alcohol may cause damage not only by direct influence on the bodily functions but also by impairing judgment and reducing inhibitions so that a person may take behavioral risks which would not have otherwise been considered when sober.
The correlations between alcohol ingestion and criminal acts, including crimes of a sexual nature, automotive and other injuries, and collegiate hazing incidents, is high, especially among young adults. Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions, and intense feelings of being unwell. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as brain and the liver.
It is critically important for faculty, staff, visitors and students alike to be aware of the effects of alcohol use and abuse. Questions that involve employees’ use or abuse of alcohol should be directed to the Director of Human Resources. Violations of this policy by any University student or student organization will result in the immediate involvement of the University Student Conduct Officer and, in certain situations, the Dean of Students.
Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the following as noted below:
Sale/Unauthorized Possession | Warning and possible substance abuse evaluation | Probation; 10+ hours community service; $100 fine and possible substance abuse evaluation | Suspension and possible substance abuse evaluation |
Possession and/or knowingly in the presence of a keg or common source container of an alcoholic beverage in or on University premises | No less than four academic months of residence hall separation, deferred suspension and substance abuse evaluation | Separation from the residence halls for one year, 20+ hours of community service, and possible substance abuse evaluation | Suspension from the University and possible substance abuse evaluation |
Underage possession and/or consumption | Warning; education, sanction and possible substance abuse evaluation | Probation; $100 fine; 10+ hours of community service and possible substance abuse evaluation | Suspension and possible substance abuse evaluation |
Public Drunkenness | Warning and possible substance abuse evaluation | Probation; $100 fine; 10+ hours of community service and possible substance abuse evaluation | Semester suspension and possible substance abuse evaluation |
Drunk Driving | Semester suspension; treatment; vehicle banned and possible substance abuse evaluation | Expulsion |
Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited in all common areas of residence halls. Students may not possess alcohol or alcohol containers or drink from open containers of alcohol in common areas of the residence halls. Alcohol consumption and possession is prohibited in any residence hall designated as “Substance Free.” Students under the age of 21 may not possess or consume alcohol or alcohol containers anywhere on University of Bridgeport’s campus. UNDER CONNECTICUT LAW, THE USE BY A MINOR OF ALCOHOL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS ILLEGAL AND THE OWNER AND/OR OPERATOR OF THE LOCATION MAY BE HELD CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES.
All residents are required to participate in a meal plan (except those living graduate houses, members of the Health Sciences Living Community, and those living in the apartments in University Hall). Unless a student withdraws from school (and would be subject to withdrawal policies), they are responsible for this contract. Withdrawals must be processed through the Bursar’s Office. Failure to do so may result in payment of the full amount contracted for at registration.
Mandatory meal contracts are for the entire school year (non-mandatory meal contracts are for each semester).
The meal card is the student’s responsibility. Students must have a card to enter Marina Dining Hall. There is a $25 fine for misuse of a meal card. If students lose this card or misplace it, the loss should be reported to Campus Security immediately to reduce the risk of unauthorized use. Security will issue a new card and new number and invalidate the old number.
Dining Hall Office hours for new meal cards and lost meal cards are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. A $10 deposit is required at this time for the use of a temporary meal card. Students will not be allowed to eat without a valid meal card.
Other regulations include:
- No food dishes or utensils are to be taken from any university dining facility. Students will be stopped and reported for appropriate disciplinary action if they attempt to take the above items from a university dining facility.
- Guests and any commuting students may eat in university dining facilities and pay on a per-meal basis.
- Student meal cards are nontransferable; no one may let someone else use a card to obtain food or services from the cafeteria.
- Students identified as throwing food items or utensils in any University facility will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including suspension.
- Students are required to clear their tables and bring their dishes to the dish-washing area.
University of Bridgeport expects students to comply with all federal, state, and local laws prohibiting or regulating possession, use, transfer or sale of drugs. A list of federal, state, and local laws and health risks regarding alcohol and other drugs may be obtained from the University Student Conduct Officer or Dean of Students. The University reserves the right to amend these policies as it sees fit in accordance with the law and/or community standards.
As of July 1, 2021, the state laws in Connecticut were changed to indicate possession of limited amounts of marijuana are legal for those over 21 years of age. However, federal laws continue to prohibit the use, possession and/or cultivation of marijuana on the property of educational institutions, including University of Bridgeport. Therefore, the use, possession and/or cultivation is not allowed in any University facilities or property. The University will continue to enforce its current policies regarding controlled substances and any student who violates the policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Federal law also penalizes the manufacture, distribution, possession with intent to manufacture or distribute, or possession of drugs (“controlled substances”). [Controlled Substances Act, U.S.C. Sections 841, 843-846 (1988).] University of Bridgeport complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations.
Possession, use, sale, manufacture or distribution of illegal or controlled substances is a violation of federal and/or state law and University Community Standards. Students may be subject to disciplinary action if they are knowingly present where illegal substances are kept or deposited or in the company of any person knowing that person is illegally in possession of a controlled substance.
The University reserves the right to inspect student rooms and property if reasonable suspicion of controlled substance or drug paraphernalia activity exists. (Regarding room inspections see Chapter 4: Residential Life in the Key to UB). Reasonable suspicion may result from observable (seeing, smelling, etc.) indication of drugs or drug paraphernalia and/or other physical or behavioral evidence of drug usage, and may result in confiscation of such materials. The University may request drug toxicology testing if reasonable suspicion of the use of a controlled substance(s) exists. In certain situations, e.g. any violent and/or antisocial behavior, damage to personal or University property, etc.), the administration may require drug toxicology testing.
Knowingly being in the presence and/or in possession of drug paraphernalia (as defined in the key to UB) | Disciplinary Warning and Possible Substance Abuse Evaluation | Disciplinary Probation and 10+ Hours of Community Service and Possible Substance Abuse Evaluation | One Semester Suspension and Substance Abuse Evaluation |
Possession/Use of Illegal Drugs | Range from Deferred Suspension + 10 or More Hours Community Service + Educational Program Planning + Substance Abuse Evaluation to Suspension | Automatic Suspension, ranging from one semester to two years, if during time of Deferred Suspension. If after time of Deferred Suspension, range from Deferred Suspension to Suspension | Expulsion |
Manufacture, distribution, sharing, cultivation, storage, and/or sale of illegal or harmful drugs | Automatic Suspension, ranging from one semester to two years, if during time of Deferred Suspension. If after time of Deferred Suspension, range from Deferred Suspension to Suspension | Expulsion |
Drug paraphernalia is defined as any equipment, product or material that could be used or modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs. This includes, but is not limited to: bongs, pipes, hookahs, rolling papers, needles, scales, vials and baggies. Using/possessing/ knowingly being in the presence of such items will be treated as a violation of the University drug policy. In addition, the University may seek criminal prosecution in these matters according to federal, state and/or local criminal codes that pertain to illegal or controlled drugs.
The University is also concerned about off-campus behavior that results in arrest for an alleged violation of criminal law regarding illegal drug usage, sale or manufacture. Such arrests may be considered by the University Student Conduct Officer for on-campus adjudication.
Health risks associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs
The use or abuse of alcohol and other drugs increases the risk for a number of health related and other medical, behavioral, and social problems. These include acute health problems related to intoxication or overdose (blackouts, convulsions, coma, death); physical and psychological dependence; malnutrition; long-term health problems including cirrhosis of the liver, organic brain damage, high blood pressure, heart disease; contracting diseases such as AIDS (through unprotected sex with an infected person), through sharing of hypodermic needles; pregnancy problems including miscarriages, fetal alcohol syndrome (physical and mental birth defects); psychological or psychiatric problems; diminished capacity (hangovers, hallucinations, disorientation, slurred speech); unusual or inappropriate risk-taking which may result in physical or emotional injury or death; violent behavior toward others, such as assault and rape; accidents caused by operating machinery while impaired; impaired driving resulting in alcohol and drug related arrest, traffic accidents, injuries and fatalities; negative effects on academic work performance; conflicts with coworkers, classmates, family, friends and others; conduct problems resulting in disciplinary actions, including loss of employment or dismissal from an academic program; and legal problems resulting in citations, fines, and imprisonment.
To become dependent upon chemicals such as alcohol and/or illicit drugs is to put your health and life at risk. Chemical dependency is a condition in which the use of mood altering substances, such as drugs or alcohol, affects any area of life on a continuing basis. Medical research has established very strong evidence that alcohol abuse contributes significantly to cancer and heart disease. Many illicit drugs have also been demonstrated to lead to serious short and long-term health problems.
Substance abuse referral list
If you need help you can refer to the list below. You may call several facilities in order to determine the one that best meets your needs.
- University of Bridgeport Counseling Services, 2nd floor, Carstensen Hall, 203-576-4454
- University of Bridgeport Student Health Services, Health Sciences Center, 203-576-4712
- St. Vincent’s Hospital, 2800 Main Street, Bridgeport, 203-576-6000
- Chemical Abuse Services Agency C.A.S.A. (Spanish) 203-339-4112
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP,
- Hall-Brooke Behavioral Health Services, 203-362-3900
- Regional Counseling Services, 203-366-5817
The Student Health Services medical staff will provide a medical excused absence if the student was absent from class for three or more days and was treated at Health Services; or for a hospitalization. Student Health Services medical staff will not write excused absence notes for illnesses or problems for which they did not provide care. If a student received care for an illness or injury from a private physician, local emergency room or clinic in the community, they must request an excused absence note from that medical provider rather than from Student Health Services.
University of Bridgeport is committed to creating a learning environment which supports the academic and personal success of all members of the community. Accordingly, the University expects a student to continuously participate in their academic program but recognizes that sometimes it is necessary or preferable for a student to take a leave of absence for a period of time. Such leaves may be voluntary or involuntary, and shall be handles in accordance with the policies listed below.
This policy and these procedures do not take the place of disciplinary actions that are in response of violations of the Code of Community Standards, nor do they prelude the removal or dismissal of students from the University or University owned facilities as a result of violations of other University policies or regulations.
All records concerning leaves of absence will be kept in accordance with the University confidentiality policy and other applicable policies. Leaves of absence (both voluntary and involuntary) trigger the six-month grace period for repayment of student loans, meaning that if a student’s leave ( and any prior leaves of absence) exceeds six months, they will be required to begin repaying their loans. Students receiving scholarships or other financial aid should consult the Office of Student Financial Services prior to taking leave.
All records concerning involuntary leave of absence will be kept in accordance with the University confidentiality policy and other applicable policies.
*Several University of Bridgeport’s Schools, Institutes and Programs have policies, governing leaves of absence from the particular school, institute, or program, and students should refer to the relevant student handbook for more information.
Interruption Of Studies
Official Withdrawal
Students who wish to withdraw from all courses, and thus from the University, must submit an online Withdrawal Form. Students are encouraged to speak with their assigned advisor, program director, and Student Financial Services prior to submitting the withdrawal form.
If a student is marked absent in all of their courses throughout the day of attendance reporting, they will be administratively withdrawn from the University. If a student is not enrolled in courses for two consecutive semesters, excluding summer or active leave of absence status, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the University. Students with an expired leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn.
See Leave of Absence policy for more information. Exceptions may exist on a program level basis or based on status of leave of absence. Please see program handbook for further information.
Students may access the Application to Withdrawal form in their UB student portal. Students complete the online form. The online form is reviewed by Academic Advising then Program Director, then International Center, then processed by the Registrar’s office.
Medical Leave of Absence
Policy Statement:
Students who wish to withdraw from the university during an academic term for medical reasons (i.e., physical or mental health conditions that necessitate their absence) may request a medical leave of absence. Pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions fall under this category. The student must provide supporting documentation of the medical condition from their treating provider to the Dean of Students or designee, who will review the documentation. A medical leave of absence may be granted for up to 3 semesters or one calendar year. If a student voluntarily takes leave before the University’s no-penalty drop date (“Drop Deadline”), their ongoing classes are erased from their record. If the student takes leave after the Drop Deadline (“Withdrawal Deadline”), they will receive the grade of “W” (withdrawal). If the student takes leave after the Withdrawal Deadline, they may petition their Academic Dean for a grade of “I” (incomplete). Students may request leave using the university’s electronic Leave of Absence form. Students who do not return after the specified leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn and will be required to reapply for admission to return to the university. In such instances, there is no guarantee of readmission. Upon conclusion of the medical leave, the student must provide supporting documentation from their treating provider to the Dean of Students or designee. This documentation will be shared with the appropriate university staff, including the university’s consulting medical professional if warranted. The student will be advised of the outcome of this review and whether they are approved to return, with reasonable accommodations if necessary. Tuition and housing refunds will be awarded in accordance with the University’ refund policies, as stated in the University’s Tuition Refund Policy and Chapter Four’s “Residence Hall Refund Policy” ( a student is in a specialized program, they should follow the program policies outlined in the program handbook.
Procedure Details:
Students should first speak with their academic advisor, Student Financial Services, program director, and Dean of Students before going on a medical leave of absence.
Involuntary Leave of Absence
Policy Statement:
Before considering involuntary leave, the Dean of Students or their designee will provide the student with information regarding leave policies and available options. A student who wishes to take voluntary leave of absence rather than being placed on involuntary leave shall be allowed to do so. If it appears necessary to place a student on involuntary leave, the Dean of Students will notify the student that involuntary leave is being contemplated and explain the reasons. The Dean of Students will then convene the CARE Team. The CARE Team will review all available relevant information and shall assist the Dean of Students in making an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to participate safely in the University’s residential and academic community, based on current medical information and/or the best available objective evidence. A student placed on involuntary leave may appeal the decision using Chapter Six’s “Student Grievance Procedure,” and commencing the grievance at the Provost Level. When a student is placed on involuntary leave, the notice of involuntary leave will outline the individualized conditions for the student’s return. Conditions for return may include, but are not limited to, examinations by independent or school-employed health professionals, release of relevant medical records, compliance with treatment plans, and demonstrated ability to meet the University’s academic and code of Community Standards. A hearing, as outlined above, may be held to make an individualized assessment of whether the student is qualified to return. If the Dean of Students or their designee denies the request to return from leave, the student may appeal that decision by submitting a written appeal to the Provost in accordance with the Student Grievance Procedure. This policy may be activated prior to issuance of a determination in the conduct process if the student has allegedly violated the Code of Student Conduct but it appears that the student is not capable of understanding the nature or inappropriateness of the action. The institution may also impose an interim suspension for threat of harm to others or a legitimate safety risk to self. Should an interim suspension be imposed, the student may request an informal show-cause hearing with the Provost, or designee, to show cause why the interim suspension should be rescinded or modified. Questions about this policy and its interpretation should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. If a student is in a specialized program, they should follow the program policies outlined in the program handbook. The student will be referred to the academic calendar to be informed of any academic and/or financial penalties due to the leave.
Procedure Details:
Dean of Students or designee should first speak with advisor, Student Financial Services, and program director before placing student on an involuntary leave of absence.
Regular Readmission
A student who officially or unofficially withdraws from the University must apply for readmission. Readmission is necessary with any break in attendance for full-time students and after a break of more than one semester for part-time students. A student who withdraws officially, or unofficially, and subsequently applies for readmission is required to meet the degree requirements and conditions current at the time of readmission. Students who have attended another accredited institution in the interim must present complete official transcripts with their application for readmission.
Applications for readmission are available from the Registrar’s Office in webform.
Readmission In Cases Of Disciplinary Expulsion And Suspension
Disciplinary expulsion and suspension may be incurred as a result of unacceptable conduct. See the Key to UB for rules, regulations and procedures for readmission.
Leave Of Absence
Students who must discontinue enrollment for less than one academic year and who have a commitment to return to the University must submit a written request for a Leave of Absence to the Office of the Registrar. A copy of this request must also be sent to the Dean or Director of the student’s program.
Students who are in good academic standing and who have met all University requirements may return to the University at the beginning of any semester within the one-year Leave of Absence period. A leave of absence may be extended for an additional year upon approval of the program Dean or Director. A written request is required for consideration of an extended leave of absence and the leave will be noted on the student’s permanent record. Several University of Bridgeport’s Schools, Institutes, and Programs have policies governing leaves of absence from the particular school, institute or program, and students should refer to the relevant student hand book for more information. Extensions are granted at the programmatic level and are based on the timeline for a student to complete the intended degree.
A leave of absence will be effective on the first day of class for the upcoming semester. If a student receives financial aid, they must follow federal requirements for a leave of absence. These requirements include only being eligible for a leave of absence for 180 days out of the academic year. After 180 days if the student does not return from the leave of absence, refer to the Official Withdrawal policy. If returning from a Leave of Absence, the student must be enrolled by the semester attendance reporting deadline. Exceptions may occur based on leave of absence status.
Involuntary Leave of Absence. When a student exhibits behaviors which: (1) threaten the health, safety and/or well-being of any member of the University community, and/or (2) adversely impact or disrupt the University’s academic, residential and/or extracurricular activities, the University reserves the right to request or require the student to take leave from the University according to the terms of this policy. Involuntary leave is intended to be invoked only in extraordinary circumstances. This would include, but is not limited to, harm or threats of harm I) to a member of the University community; or ii) resulting in significant property damage; or iii) disrupting the educational environment. Before considering involuntary leave, the Dean of Students or their designee will provide the student with information regarding leave policies and available options. A student who wishes to take voluntary leave of absence rather than being placed on involuntary leave shall be allowed to do so.
If it appears that it may be necessary to place a student on involuntary leave, the Dean of Students will notify the student that involuntary leave is being contemplated and explain the reasons. Students shall have the opportunity to respond with information that they believe should be considered, including appropriate medical or psychological background and documentation which the student may desire to share. The Dean of Students will then convene the CARE Team. The CARE Team will review all available relevant information and shall assist the Dean of Students in making an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to participate safely in the University’s residential and academic community, based on current medical information and/or the best available objective evidence.
A student placed on involuntary leave may appeal the decision using Chapter Six’s “Student Grievance Procedure,” and commencing the grievance at the Provost Level. When a student is placed on involuntary leave, the notice of involuntary leave will outline the individualized conditions for the student’s return. Conditions for return may include, but are not limited to, examinations by independent or school-employed health professionals, release of relevant medical records, compliance with treatment plans, and demonstrated ability to meet the University’s academic and code of Community Standards. A hearing, as outlined above, may be held to make an individualized assessment of whether the student is qualified to return.
If the Dean of Students or their designee denies the request to return from leave, the student may appeal that decision by submitting a written appeal to the Provost in accordance with the Student Grievance Procedure. This policy may be activated prior to issuance of a determination in the conduct process if the student has allegedly violated the Code of Student Conduct but it appears that the student is not capable of understanding the nature or inappropriateness of the action. The institution may also impose an interim suspension for threat of harm to others or a legitimate safety risk to self. Should an interim suspension be imposed, the student may request an informal show-cause hearing with the Provost, or designee, to show cause why the interim suspension should be rescinded or modified. Questions about this policy and its interpretation should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.
Students should first speak with advisor, Student Financial Services, and program director before submitting a Leave of Absence form. A leave of absence request can be found via UB Student Portal under Registrar’s Office forms.
Several University of Bridgeport’s Schools, Institutes and Programs have policies governing leaves of absence from the particular school, institute or program, and students should refer to the relevant student handbook for more information.
Five Year Rule For Undergraduate Students
Students who interrupt their studies for a period exceeding five years must obtain written permission from the Dean of their College or Director of the School to apply previously earned credits toward their degree.
Service Animal policy
In accordance with Titles II and III of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), University of Bridgeport allows service animals to accompany students with disabilities in all areas of the campus where the public is normally allowed to go. A service animal is a dog that is required because of the disability and has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. In some cases, a miniature horse may qualify as a service animal, as long as the facility can accommodate the type, size, and weight. The tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the student’s disability. Examples of such tasks include, but are not limited to, guiding a student with impaired vision, alerting a student with a hearing impairment, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a student who is having a seizure, reminding a student with mental illness to take prescribed medications and calming a student with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack.
A student with a service animal will provide documentation to the Manager of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) demonstrating that the service animal is in compliance with local vaccination, licensing and registration requirements. The student will be required to provide verification from a medical professional that the animal is required due to the disability and is trained to perform a task for the student. There is no requirement that the student provide documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal.
Care and control of service animals
Student is responsible for the feeding and care of the ESA, including walking the animal, cleaning up/disposing of any waste, and making sure the animal is up to date on all vaccinations and veterinary care. If the animal is taken out of the owner’s residence hall room, it must be leashed, harnessed, in a travel box, etc. The owner must have control of the animal at all times. The animal cannot be left alone for long periods of time and is never permitted to be left alone overnight. If the animal becomes a nuisance to other students in the residence hall, for example by making incessant noise, the University may require the student get training for the animal to alleviate the issue. If the animal ever becomes a threat or danger to others, the University reserves its right to ask that the animal be removed from campus for the safety of others.
The student is responsible for caring for and supervising the service animal, which includes toileting, cleaning up afterwards and disposing of any remnants, feeding, grooming and veterinary care. The animal should not be left alone in a dorm room for long periods of time and, under no conditions is to be left alone overnight.
Students with service animals are solely responsible for any damage to persons or University property caused by a service animal. A student may be charged for damage caused by a service animal to the same extent that the University would normally charge any student for the damage they cause to University property.
The University may prohibit the use of service animals in certain locations because of health and safety restrictions. Restricted areas may include, but are not limited to: custodial closets, boiler rooms, facility equipment rooms, research laboratories, classrooms with research/demonstration animals, areas where protective clothing is necessary, wood and metal shops and rooms with heavy machinery. It may be appropriate to exclude a service animal from certain sterile environments or where the presence of the animal creates a risk of harm or disruption.
Exclusion of service animals
The University may exclude/remove a service animal if the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, the animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of the University’s program, the animal is out of control and the student does not take effective action to control it, or the animal is not housebroken.
Assistance Animal policy
University of Bridgeport recognizes the role that assistance animals (sometimes referred to as emotional support, therapy, comfort or companion animals) can play in alleviating the symptoms or effects of a student’s disability. Assistance animals are not trained to perform a specific task and do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A student wishing to keep an assistance animal in the residence hall as a reasonable accommodation must register for disability services with the Office of Student Accessibility Services. The University will permit assistance animals that have been approved as a reasonable accommodation for students with a verified disability within residential facilities. Assistance animals are not service animals and are not permitted in other areas of the University (e.g. library, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, student center).
A student is authorized to keep an assistance animal in a residence hall when (1) the student has a documented disability; (2) the student has completed registration for disability services with the Office of Student Accessibilities Services; (3) there is an actual relationship between the disability and the assistance or emotional support that the animal provides to the student; (4) the assistance animal is found to be a reasonable accommodation by Office of Student Accessibility Services staff; and (5) the student has demonstrated that the animal is in compliance with local vaccination, licensing and registration requirements. The determination of an assistance animal as a reasonable accommodation is made on a case by case basis.
Care and control of assistance animals
The student is responsible for caring for and supervising the assistance animal, which includes toileting, cleaning up afterwards and disposing of any remnants, feeding, grooming and veterinary care. The animal should not be left alone in a dorm room for long periods of time and, under no conditions is to be left alone overnight.
The University may exclude/remove an assistance animal if the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, is out of control and the student does not take effective action to control it, or the animal is not housebroken.
Students with assistance animals are solely responsible for any damage to persons or University property caused by an assistance animal. A student may be charged for damage caused by an assistance animal to the same extent that the University would normally charge any person for the damage they cause to University property.
To request an accommodation of either a service animal or an assistance animal please complete the registration form online or at the Office of Student Accessibility Services located at Carstensen Hall, Room 103.
Assistance animals are accommodations for a disability, not pets. The University does not allow pets in University buildings, residence facilities or at University events. Only fish maintained in aquariums no larger than 10 gallons in size are permitted in University residence facilities.
Use of tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems (“ENDS”), including but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, electronic cigarettes, electronic pipes, vaporizers, vape pens, hookah, and hookah pens, are not permitted in any facility or vehicle owned, operated or rented by the University. This prohibition applies to all indoor spaces including private facility and administrative offices, all areas of residence halls, and dining facilities; and also prohibits all such activities within 20 feet or any structure or athletic field owned or rented by the University. Smoking, tobacco products, and ENDS are prohibited on Knights’ Field, inside the fence and stand adjacent to the Field, or in any other athletic facility owned or operated by the University.
This prohibition applies to all students, staff, faculty, visitors, and contractors.
Smoking definition for the purposes of this policy: The lighting or burning, or inhaling and exhaling, of any tobacco or tobacco product including but not limited to by cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other equipment.
Success of Compliance: The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of tobacco users including smokers, as well as non-smokers. It is the responsibility of all members of the campus community to observe this policy. Sanctions for violations are possible.
Classrooms where demonstration smoking or use of tobacco products is taking place as part of a time-limited medical or scientific experiment or academic lesson.
The Building and Grounds Department shall be responsible for posting appropriate signage concerning this policy. Outside areas designated as a “Smoking Area” shall be provided by the University with suitable containers for disposing of smoking materials.
Tobacco use is prohibited within twenty (20’) feet of any building, regardless of the weather conditions, and is not permitted within UB vehicles. Complaints concerning violations by faculty, staff and contractors shall be directed to the appropriate supervisor for settlement. If a complaint remains unresolved, it will be referred to the Human Resources Department for resolution.
Complaints concerning student conduct shall be directed to the University Student Conduct Officer for disciplinary action, as appropriate.
Certain violations of this policy may be infractions enforceable by the State of Connecticut as provided by law.
University of Bridgeport is committed to maintaining tobacco free facilities as recommended by the laws of the State of Connecticut and the Surgeon General of the United States.
Sale or free distribution of tobacco products
As the University is attempting to create a healthy, tobacco-free campus, the sale or free distribution of tobacco and tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
Smoking Cessation
If you smoke or use tobacco in any form and would like information about quitting, resources are available at:
- Student Health Services, Room 119, Health Science Building, email:
- CT Quitline - 866-END-HABIT
- American Cancer Society website:
The University supports the freedom of speech, religion and assembly as integral aspects of the experience of higher education in the United States. These traditions are not absolute rights. The University is particularly concerned about the health, welfare and safety of the community and its members, especially those who have not yet reached the age of majority or those from different cultures who may not be familiar with the risks of various behaviors which might have been normal for their home communities but may carry unforeseen risks in the United States.
Accordingly, posting, distributing, or placing any material containing communicative content in any University building or anywhere on the campus, other than by a resident in their residence room, must be approved in advance by the designated Building Manager or the Office of Housing and Residential Life postings within the residence halls. All signs, posters, flyers and other forms of advertisement of a social event by a sponsoring student organization, or individual student, must be cleared by the Center for Student Involvement to insure that they meet University guidelines:
- All signs, posters, flyers, etc., in buildings and on bulletin boards must bear the name of the organization or person posting the sign.
- All signs, posters, flyers, etc., placed or hung outside buildings may only be placed on approved bulletin boards.
- No signs, posters, flyers, etc., may be placed or hung on windows, doors, or glass panes.
- All signs, posters, flyers, etc., must be placed and/or hung on approved bulletin boards.
- All signs, posters, flyers, etc., must bear the “permission to post/approved by” stamp.
- All signs, posters, flyers, etc., must bear the date by which the sign will be removed, which is 24 hours after the event.
- All displays and signs must be removed within 24 hours after the event, or in the case of competitive displays, after they have been judged.
- Approval of a sign, flyers, or posters does not mean that the University endorses the event.
- There may be no reference to alcohol or other drugs in any sign, flyer or poster.
- All content must be in English or a translation reasonably satisfactory to the Dean of Students (or their designee).
- All signs, flyers and posters must be approved by the Center for Student Involvement before they are posted and may only be posted on approved bulletin boards.
- No signs, posters or flyers of any kind may be attached in any way to trees, utility poles or on windshields of motor vehicles.
Reservation of rights
The University reserves the right to refuse permission to post, and to remove without prior notice any posted communicative content, which in the opinion of the University carries an unreasonably significant risk to the health, welfare, or safety of the University community.
University of Bridgeport is committed to providing its students with a safe, healthy learning and living environment. The possession or use of guns and/or other weapons or replicas of such weapons, or objects which might reasonably be mistaken for weapons, is contrary to this commitment and the spirit of an academic community where free expression, civil disagreement and debate are encouraged. Therefore, the possession or use by students of guns, replicas of guns and/or other weapons, or objects which might reasonably be mistaken for weapons, whether or not the object is loaded with live ammunition, capable of being fired, or when operable capable of administering deadly force, is absolutely prohibited in all University facilities and all University owned, rented, or leased property.
Students found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to sanctions including immediate suspension from the University. Students who have knowledge of guns or other weapons on campus, or who know of individuals who have threatened to use a weapon, should immediately report this information to any of the following: Campus Security, at 203‑576‑4911; the Dean of Students, at 203‑576‑4392; or the Director of Housing and Residential Life at 203‑576‑4228.
This prohibition against weapons applies equally to those carried by persons with a government issued permit or license. The only exceptions are listed below:
- University security staff authorized to carry weapons.
- Local, state and federal law enforcement officers.
- Members of the United States armed forces while on duty.
- There may be activities related to the educational mission of the University (e.g., theatrical productions) that appear to violate the letter, but not the intent of this policy, by using weapon replica(s). In such cases the department or organization coordinating the activity is responsible for notifying the Office of Campus Security prior to the event.
Weapons and replicas in violation of this policy are subject to summary confiscation by University staff or security personnel. Any person who is in violation of this policy is subject to referral to governmental authorities for legal sanctions in addition to any disciplinary actions the University may take.
University of Bridgeport encourages students to report any concerns, including, but not limited to, the University’s compliance with applicable federal or state laws, accreditation standards, and/or University policies, to the Dean of Students, Human Resources, or the Department Head with supervisory responsibility. The University endeavors to resolve student complaints in a fair and timely manner.
The University prohibits retaliation against any student because they complained about a violation of applicable law or University policy in good faith in accordance with this policy or participated in an investigation. This protection does not extend to any student who knowingly or in bad faith provides false information regarding an alleged violation of law or policy.
University of Bridgeport expects all students to behave responsibly. Additionally, the University encourages students to seek help for peers who are observed to be in a potentially dangerous situation including, but not limited to, abuse of alcohol or drugs, and/or sexual assault. In support of peer intervention, the University will not generally initiate disciplinary action against a student who seeks medical or other assistance for a peer, even if the reporting student is in violation of alcohol, drug or other provisions of the Code of Community Standards. The University may, however, require the reporting student to attend a drug/alcohol training program.
Reporting students are expected to: (1) report the incident by contacting Campus Security (203‑576‑4911), a staff member of the Office of Housing and Residential Life (203‑476‑4228), and/or other appropriate official(s); (2) remain with their peer in distress until attended to by emergency personnel; and (3) cooperate with any University investigation, including without limitation speaking with appropriate University personnel.
This policy does not apply when: (1) the reporting student has committed a repeated, flagrant, or serious violation of the Code of Community Standards (e.g. acts of violence, assault, distribution of alcohol or drugs, hazing, property damage, etc.); (2) the reporting student caused harm to another person requiring emergency assistance or response; or (3) the reporting student is seeking medical assistance for their own medical emergency. Furthermore, this policy does not restrict the jurisdiction or action of local police or other authorities.
On-campus students and students participating in University clinical affiliate sites off-campus are required to comply with the University’s Student Bloodborne Pathogen Policy, which is provided to minimize student exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. The University’s Student Bloodborne Pathogen Policy will be available through certain program portal sites.
Any student who desires to file a formal grievance seeking review of the University’s decision or action pertaining to student services or other matters, including consumer protection, may utilize the procedure below. This grievance procedure does not apply to student disciplinary matters, academic dishonesty, grades or other academic issues, athletics, accessibility accommodations, or issues arising under Title IX, which are subject to review under other University procedures.
Students are encouraged to address any concern which may arise informally with appropriate administrators and to attempt to resolve the matter prior to submitting a formal grievance.
First Step: The student may submit a written grievance to the Dean of Students within 30 days of the decision or action in question. The written grievance should describe the relevant background, the decision or action which the student seeks to have reviewed, the student’s previous attempts to resolve the matter, and the relief the student is seeking. If the Dean of Students was the decision maker with regard to the matter which the student seeks to have reviewed, then the grievance may be submitted directly to the Provost.
In considering the grievance, the Dean of Students or their designee may request additional information from the complaining student, as well as any other person who may have relevant information. The Dean of Students or their designee will notify the student in writing of their decision (the “Decision”) within 15 days following receipt of the grievance or conclusion of investigation (whichever is later).
Second Step: In the event that the student is not satisfied with the Decision at Step 1, then the student may submit a written appeal within 15 days of receipt of the Decision to the Office of the Provost. The appeal must contain: a copy of the original grievance and any documents filed in support thereof, the Decision, and a statement outlining the reasons for the appeal and relief sought. The Provost may review and decide the appeal, or designate the deputy or assistant Provost to review and decide the appeal. Upon considering the appeal, the Provost or their designee will notify the student in writing of the decision and the grounds therefor within 15 days following receipt of the appeal or conclusion of investigation (whichever is later). The Office of the Provost’s decision is final.
In the event that a situation arises that in the judgment of the Executive Director of Campus Security constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to the safety of members of the University community, a “timely warning” will be issued by the Dean of Students, or a designee. A warning will be posted appropriately on campus, generally by placing a copy in a suitable location in each residence hall, in on-campus dining establishments, and sending notification through the LiveSafe app.
Depending on the particular circumstances of an incident, especially in situations that could pose a significant and immediate threat to the community or individuals, the Office of the Dean of Students may also transmit the warning through the University’s email system, the Emergency Notification System, or portal to students, faculty, and staff, and/or post a notice on the University of Bridgeport website at:, to enhance the speed and distribution of such information to the University community.
In incidents where the alleged or known perpetrator has been identified and the threat of future incidents has been minimized or eliminated by the person(s) being banned from campus, the residence halls, and/or incarceration, community notices may not need to be published or may be published only in certain locations. Anyone with information warranting a timely safety warning should report the circumstances to Campus Security by telephone 203‑576‑4911 or in person at Campus Security in Norseman Hall (221 University Avenue).
Revised 9/23/24